Acrylic box for models, short type
Tall acrylic box for models
Acrylic box covering model, short type
Tall acrylic box covering model
Preform tube 75 grams, mouth 45 mm.
Preform threaded
Plastic jar preform tube
Drinking straw preform 10 liter water bottle
Preform straws, drinking bottles
Preform tube is situable for manufacturing seasoning bottles
Preform tube vegetable oil bottle
Manufacture and distribute plastic packaging
Plastic cups with lids do not tear
Cup of Tofu Huai Fruit Salad
16 oz transparent jar
Manufacturing and selling preform tubes
Screw cap preform tube
Fish Sauce Preform Straws
Preform tube vegetable oil bottle
Vegetable Oil Bottle Preform
Preform tube 27 g
Preforms and fish sauce bottles are sold
Plastic parts
Drinking straw preform 10 liter water bottle
Preform tube vegetable oil bottle
Preform tube vegetable oil bottle
Preforms and fish sauce bottles are sold